About Us
Our Mission
Nurturing today's talent and guiding tomorrow's apprentices

‘Nurturing today’s talent and guiding tomorrow’s apprentices’, our mission is the beating heart of our organisation. For apprentices to create excellence, the current image of the route must be remodelled and we’re tackling that from grassroots upwards, dispelling the harmful myths concerning apprenticeships and supporting our members.

Our Vision
Re-defining the modern day Apprenticeship.

A true insight into apprenticeships, modern and re-defined. We’re putting talent back on the radar, challenging information gaps through our championing of the route. To give applicants the transparency they deserve, we celebrate our apprentices, allowing direct insight and connection with industries spanning from Technology to Finance.                                                                              

Our Values

We are committed to increasing social mobility and helping individuals from low socioeconomic backgrounds unlock their potential. We believe personal circumstances should not hinder a student’s access to opportunities and are proud to be a positive disruptive voice to reduce the opportunity gap and drive change in disadvantaged communities.
There’s never been a better time to be an apprentice! With all the buzz surrounding the route over the last couple of years it has become more popular than ever. Despite this doubts surrounding the pathway are still prevalent and we are proud to be a team of advocates in the early careers space. We are devoted to raising awareness of alternative entry routes to traditional university and championing the extensive benefits they offer.
Here at ACE we are passionate about creating a culture of excellence within the apprenticeship space. Apprenticeships are finally getting the recognition they deserve and we’re proud to be leading the conversation by promoting the achievements of diverse talent across the board!


We’re incredibly proud to have our apprentices be key advocates for the pathway, with recognition from Downing Street and multiple awards being a few feats under their belts.
Meet the Team

For Apprentices by Apprentices

Umayr Tanveer
Umayr Tanveer
Co-Founder & CEO
Hamza Islam
Hamza Islam
Co-Founder & Director of Governance
Zain Nazar
Zain Nazar
Co-Founder & Director of Operations
Ahmad Jarir
Ahmad Jarir
Director of Talent
Aaminah Ahmed
Aaminah Ahmed
Events and Development Lead
Aisha Manaal
Aisha Manaal
Communications Lead
Shahzeb Adnan
Shahzeb Adnan
Technology Lead
Eniya Ali
Eniya Ali
Creative Lead
Iman Bhatti
Iman Bhatti
Content Creation/Marketing Lead